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Click on any link to read the essay.

1.Dogs, Dogs, Dogs 2.Frida Kahlo and Her Art
3.Let's eat fresh food 4.The Second World
5.Salvador Dali and His Art 6.Voodoo
7.Huitlacoche 8.Discrimination
9.The Battle of Spanish Fork 10.Iron Jawed Angels
11.How was the American industries labor 95 years ago? 12.A Place at the table presents a hopeful version of America
13.The Account 14.The Historic Account of the Life and Apostolic Work of the Venerable Fray Junipero Serra
15.An Old Woman remembers 16.The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
17.The Chicken Coop 18.The Hammon and the Beans
19.Francisco Villa 20.City of Night
21.Loving In The War Years:Lo Que Nunca Paso Por Sus Labios, Borderlands/La Frontera:The New Mestiza 22.Woman Hollering Creek
23.Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez 24.Zoot Suit
25.Bless Me, Ultima 26.I Am Joaquin
27.Break of Dawn