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There are many kinds of butterflies. Around the world exist between 20,000 and 28,000 kinds of butterflies.

Name Description Male Female
Zebra Longwing This poisonous butterfly can be found in the state of Florida in the United States Male Zebra Longwing Female Zebra longwing
Painted Lady This butterfly lives in Europe, Africa, and Asia Male Painted Lady Female Painted Lady
Clodius The places where this butterfly can be found are in United States and mostly in California, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah Male Clodius Female Clodius
Monarch This poisonous butterfly migrates to Mexico during the winter and in the summer migrates to the Northern part of the United States Male Monarch Female Monarch
Swallowtail This is another poisonous butterfly that lives in Canada and the United States Male Swallowtail Female Swallowtail
Dogface This butterfly can be found in California Male Dogface Female Dogface
Postman This butterfly's habit ranges from Central America to Brazil Male Postman Female Postman
Sangaris The only place where this butterfly can be found is in Africa Male Sangaris Female Sangaris
Ulysses This butterfly can be found in Australia Male Ulysses Female Ulysses
Transparent Winged The places where this butterfly can be found are in Central America, Panama, and Mexico Male Transparent Female Transparent
Blue Moon This butterfly is very commonly found in Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand Male Blue Moon Female Blue Moon

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